Tuesday, May 30, 2023


I have been hacked throughout the entire Facebook universe and perhaps other services as well. I have spent several hours issuing warnings and deleting Facebook comments from mostly anonymous hacking repair services that may or may not be real only that they charge a fee to fix what should not need fixing. So rather than continue all this I have changed passwords all over the place and will be taking a short rest from any and all social media while the dust settles.

Try not to miss me too much. I shall return soon, new and improved...sort of.

Love to you all and if you get some sort of link that claims to be from me with pictures attached just delete or unsend it. I did not send it and would always let you know I was sending something before I did. Don't fall into their trap.


  1. Wait a minute. Those weren't your pictures? I am so disappointed.

    What a pain it is to get hacked. I hope you get things straightened out.

  2. I have deleted and blocked so much and so many that I am amazed there is any of the universe left

  3. OMG that's terrible!
    Changing passwords right away is the way to go. Fucking hackers. And what kind of pics were those???

    Read you soon!


  4. I've had several friends say their Facebook has been hacked. Good on you for being proactive.
