Thursday, June 1, 2023

 Today is John Grey's 61st birthday and those of you who know him and/or read his Blog be sure to stop by and wish him he best ever.

I was looking at some of the comments that have been left for him and far too many of them comment that "it's only a number". While that may, in some ice cold and non-emotional universe, be a fact it is not if you are looking at the inevitable process of aging at work in your life.

You are suddenly faced with all those memories of dreams you had that you were never able to fullfill. All those loves that never grew beyond the breaking point and dissapeared yet the haunting memories of those emotions remain deep within someplace. All the plans you made and never achieved. And, yes, all the wonderful thing and times that you would never change no matter their emotional impact on you life.

We are all creatures that accumulate a mass of mess that has made us who and what we are today. And, the inevitable recall that happens on our birthday, especially as we age, sometimes feels like someone just took a mallet and smacked us up side the head.

So, please hold your tongue if all you have to say to anyone aged who seems to be in a low emotional place as they age...if all you have to say is "it is only a number" just shut the fuck up.

If one more person says that to me I may not be responsible for my actions.

Oh, and my appologies to Mr. Grey for using his birthday as the trigger for this post. I love him as I love all of you and would never say or do anything to bring you harm or saddness.


  1. I can't believe John is 61!
    I've been following his blog for years and time seems to stand still. But you are right about the 'just a number' comment. It comes from a well-intentioned place but it is not realistic.
    Time DOES pass and time does break havoc sometimes in our lives. But I like birthdays. I try to enjoy mine as much as I can, because I will only be that age for one year.


    1. And since we celebrate our birthday at the end of the year and not the beginning...when I recently celebrated my 75th I was actually beginning my 76th. Just saying.

    2. Hahaha
      We need to have it written somewhere that we have to celebrate our Birthyear, not our Birthday.
      Every beginning is another beginning's end. Or so said Semisonic.

