Friday, May 5, 2023

 Well we are supposed to top out today at 101 degrees and they are predicting the same all the way through Monday. Summer in the South has come early this year. May end up being the new normal.

This is what I have coming by FedEx tomorrow from Nuts dot Com:

Roasted Cashews 

Organic Dry Roasted Peanuts - No Shell

California Apricots

Cherry Jam

Pitted Dates

California Figs

Dried Pineapple (Chunks)

Natural Cranberries (Juice Infused)

Green Olives

Yogurt Malted Milk Balls

Classic Grass Fed Beef Jerky

As you can see there are a few things that are just for my self indulgence and not my new diet. Like the Jerky and the Malted Milk Balls and the Cherry Jam. But, hey, I owe it to myself for being a good boy.

The Gabapentin that the pain doctor prescribed seems to be working. Only a little pain in my sholder joint and some in my neck still. But for the first time in over seven months I can stand upright without a bending in my neck and back. All it took was to finally get a doctor that was willing and able to actually listen to me. Now for the spinal MRI on Wednesday to see where to give me the steroid shots in my spine and to determine how often the shots need to be repeated.

I feel like a huge burden has been lifted from me and not just the pain but all the stress and worry.

The pain doctor was amazed that not one doctor or nurse had even considered what it was I was saying. And then for my primary care doctor to go out to have her baby and not be coming back until August with no coverage for her patients. Well, when I see her in August I will be discussing all that has and has not gone on and my desire for a new doctor not affiliated with the medical group she is with.

Of course this is Abilene and healthcare here is pretty much owned by Hendrick Health Care. A nonprofit affilianted with the Southern Baptist Convention. They are so nonprofit that they have just in the past couple of years bought every clinic and hospital between here and Brownwood about 150 miles away. Finding a doctor in Abilene that is not part of their medical group may prove to be difficult. But I will try.

Now, if it is hot where you are, please stay cool and hydrated. If it is cool, stay warm and hydrated.


  1. That all sounds super yummy! I am super tempted to follow your new diet!
    And I can't believe that they never listened to you, also! But (and that's a big BUT) if as you say, the xtianists have a monopoly on health there (duh, it's Texas, after all!) what matters to them is the REFERRALS -money- rather than the actual patients. Very xtian of them, of course.

    In any case, glad everything seems to be ok (except that super-early summer!).


  2. Pineapple! Oh boy! I hope you get some fresh ones too.

    I am glad somebody finally listened to you about your pain. Navigating the health care system is such a hassle.
