Saturday, May 27, 2023


So, when I got up yesterday morning I could feel that somethig was out of kilter. A little more off balance than usual and it felt like I had two little men in my head trying to push my eyes out of my head. Also, I just could not seem to focus and read my morning internet readings as clearly as I usually do.

I finally figured out that I probably should check my blood glucose since I am a Type 2 Diabetic. Guess what, my fasting over night blood glucos was 365. Now for those who don't know normal for most people is around the 100 mg. range. So, I did what they tell you to do and began to drink lots and lots of water to help flush the sugar out of my system. Don't know why it suddenly spiked, I had done nothing or eaten anything the night before to trigger it.

That was around 6:45 a.m. I checked it again an hour later and even with trying to flush my system it was now 373 and I began to really feel wobly and beginning to feel disoriented. Since it is almost impossible any more to get hold of your Primary Care doctor I called the TeleNurse with United Health Care, my insurance carrier and we did the whole over the phone consultation thing. Finally she asked if I could do another glucose level check which I did and my level was now 458 mg. She immediately told me to get off the phone and go to the Emergency Room closest to me.

Since I don't, and probably could not anyway, drive anymore I pondered call 911 and getting an ambulance to the ER. But, being the person that I am I was more concerned about making a scene and having to be taken out of here on a gurney. Too embarassing for me to contemplate. Plus, how would I get home after. The only other solution was to call my cousin and his wife and see if they could take me.

I called my cousin Bob and explained that the nurse said I needed to go to the ER and the circumstances. He, without hesitation, said they were on their way. Now Bob and his wife are both in their 80's and are in so many ways younger than I plus they have done so much to help me since My Robert died that I really don't like asking them for help because I know that they will never say no and I am just one of those people that does not like reaching out in time of needs. Makes me feel like I am not able to take care of me.

Oh, and Bob and his wife live in Breckenridge, TX which is about 60 miles away. And it was raining so I was concerned about traffic and rain and stupid drivers. They made it to me in just over 40 minutes.

Got to the ER, registered, explained my symptoms and was taken right back to exam. Strip as instructed with the gown tied in the back...really just sort of wrapped it around me because I can never tie those things except in knots and they have to cut me out of them. Layed on the bed and waited.

In walks the doctor. A gorilla of a man, stocky, tall, full black beard and black hair, a smile that could melt butter and a handshake of a "real" man, firm and strong. I am sure his presence did not affect my glucos but also pretty sure my blood preasure went up and my heart began to race. Fortunately I was so overcome with awe (the overcome by wonder definition) that Mr. Wigly did not also rise to attention.

He put me on IV fluids and water to drink and a urinal to use and he stayed there with me while trying to bring my blood sugar down and instead it went up to over 600 before it began to decline. All the while this great hunk of a man was standing there, touching me all over (not inappropritely) while I was on an IV fluid drip and drinking what seemed like gallons of water and peeing in the urinal totaly exposed to the world. I guess he was as straight as a nail because he did not suddenly grab me and kiss me madly and express his undying affection for me. Oh well, so much for my over active imagination.

Finally the glucose was down to under 300 and I was ready to be sent home. That was after 6 hours in the ER. not a record for me, that would have been when I had my heart attack in 2010 but it is not the most entertaining place to be on a Friday afternoon...though at least one of the actors in this drama was outstanding.

Got up this morning feeling much better. Blood Glucose was overnight fasting 222 and has continued to decline.

All I have to do is eat right, excecise, drink plenty of fluids, all the same stuff that is recommended for a healthy life. And not at all exciting. But I will try. It has reached the point where it is either that of face a diabetic coma or death. Neither of which do I find attractive.

Nice though to be home in my tiny little space with my dog and the company of my fellow residents here in the home. I much prefer this over the alternatives.

So my friends, take care of yourselves, you probably already do better then me. Until next time I remain you friend in the web-a-verse. Much love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Blood sugar of over 600?? Big yikes. Do you know what caused it?

    Thank goodness for your cousins, but it is a shame your closest contacts are 60 miles away.

    Gorilla of an ER doc or not, I hope you find other ways to entertain yourself. Given the cost of emergency room visits this seems like a pretty expensive way to solicit physical touch, even if you are willing to bend your rule of not paying for sex.
