Saturday, May 13, 2023

 So, here we go, a new path in life where my sexlife is limited to picutres on the Internet. The following two pictures are who I would like to have help me with my showering and getting dressed (or undressed). I did modify them a little bit to avoid having to put up an adult website notice. Hope this does not violate Blogspots rules. Guess we will find out.

The first is from Penis Soliloquies. He would help wash me in the shower but I would be all slippery and soapy so he would need an assistant. That would be the one at the ocean which is from Porncake. You will have to visit those sites and scroll down to the pictures if you want to see the part I edited out. Very pretty and worth the visit. Oh, and there was a black guy that could probably handle me on his own but he looked like he might just rip me in half.

Of course I would always be open (nothing intended there) to an older assistant. We could get a couple of shower chairs for old guys and just sit there and work each other to a lather.

Am I a sick cookie or what. 

Might give you an idea of my taste in men. Prefer them still alive and breathing and hopefully still functional. I am, still get boners of varing degrees of elevation depending on the stimulation available. And, with the Tamsulosan that I take for my Prostate, do still have all the sensation and climax just none of the juice. Seems that the medication redirects that to the bladder and I pee it out. Bummer. I did used to like rubbing it around what was once a taught belly and licking my fingers. Cue the song Memories.

So, now that I have gotten myself all worked up and probably revealed way to much of my personality, it is time to go to breakfast. Have a great day guys filled with all the goodness and pleasure you can and that you all deserve. Love.


  1. I'm sure the Christian church thinks you are a sick cookie, but the rest of us can see you are a charming young man with ordinary biological drives.

    I see that you found Fearsome's blog, which is good because I was going to recommend it.

    Another blogger to consider is Mr Peenee: . He also posts scantily-clad young men, but honestly those are incidental to his blog entries, which are hilarious. He is an older widowed gentleman who lives in San Francisco. He used to (and maybe still does) use bathhouses regularly, but he also has formed a weird community in Chaturbate, where he and some friends spend money on a young Eastern European man nabmed Mikey while they gossip about movies. His is one of my favorite blogs, but I am far too intimidated to leave comments there.

    Are you reading Upton's blog at Wonderland Burlesque? You can find a link to it on Maddie's blogroll. He is another interesting guy, but his blog is much more about the scantily-clad young men. I don't think there is anybody who puts more research into his blog posts than Upton.

    1. Your are such a dear to refer to me as "a charming young man" with my emphasis on young. I just added your suggestions to my list of blogs to read daily, thanks. At this point in life I need all the help I can get.

  2. I see you and I share the same taste in men. I must get my candy shop opened again soon. And there ain't nothing wrong with too much TMI. That's what we're all here for listening to each other and sharing interests whether that be music, travel, food or men and cock!

    1. You open a candy shop and I will move from type two Diabetes to type one in a heartbeat. I don't care if the candy is sweet or just sweet men. They will be consumed with gusto and great joy. Love you Maddie, you are a treasure in my day, both here in your comments and your wonderful blog.
