Thursday, May 25, 2023

 Tina Turner has died. And I am in shock and in tears and absolutely have no words.

Edit at 5:23 a.m. I just said Alexa play Tina Turner and I am transported back in time to younger and in some ways happier days. And, yes, I am shaking my booty in time to the music. Just being careful to not loose my balance. What a joy she was and will continue to be in her music.


  1. She was certainly a joy....and a standout in a sea of all the same artist and sound. Boy... could she command a stage...and without all the pomp and circumstances, set changes, fancy lighting shows, and huge entourage of dancers. SHE lit the stage and a true performer who didn't need to distract with all the bells and whistles. When I first started doing drag one of my first songs, I did was Private Dancer. Then many years later when I got into boylesque, I did the number again. But one of my most favorite songs of her's was her James Bond cover of a theme, Golden Eye, which has got no mention, and got very little playtime. I was also fond of Nutbush City Limits. But her whole songbook was a real gem.

    Now we will always have her music to light up our homes!

  2. We will always have her music and spirit and influence.

  3. I bet Alexa is playing a lot of Tina Turner right now. I ought not be surprised at the outpouring of support for her in this corner of the blogosphere, but I think I am. It seems more universal than many other celebrities who had the temerity to die recently.

  4. Tina was an icon and a groundbreaker.
    She opened doors for a myriad performers: she showed that a divorced, Black woman could do Rock and Roll in the eighties. She beat all the odds.
    And that VOICE! Nobody can sing like she does. My fav Tina song is Simply the Best. It gives me chills.


  5. The best thing --- maybe the only good thing --- about the film "Mad Max" was Tina's theme song "We Don't Need Another Hero." Sing on, Tina!
