Saturday, May 13, 2023

 A special treat. A friend in Austin Fedex..ed me two albums he found in a little record store there. Knowing some of what I like I just received Julie London's Julie Is Her Name  and  Latin In A Satin Mood  I am playing Julie Is Her Name right now. What a pleasure.


  1. Oh honey, I am a huge Julie London fan. Have about four CDs and her greatest hits collection which is a three-piece CD set such a Sublime voice.

    1. Years ago I loved her on Emergency, had no idea who she was much less that she sang. Then one day I was at Tower Records in West Hollywood and there she was. I bought several of her records, which had all gone away over the years, and pretty much drove my neighbors nuts with her torch songs. So, to get a package only to find out that an old and dear friend had sent me two Julie London records. I almost cried. They are both used and old, one is an original 1955 pressing of Julie Is Her Name. They are in amazing good shape except Cry Me A River had a bit off a bump coming out of the gate. Otherwise, I have just been having a day of it. Love me some Julie. Yet one more thing we have in common. Go figure.

  2. You have a record player?? I didn't realize you were a hipster. It can be nice to receive an unexpected present, though.

    1. Yep. Love records. But they have become so expensive. A CD might cost less then 10 bucks and the same thing as a record is 30 or 40 dollars. My record player is not an old one. I just bought it a month or so ago. It is a Victorla little suitcase sort of thing but the sound is great in my little space. And I am building up a nice collection of records to listen to.

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