Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Well I managed to get a My Blog List header but can not for the life of me get anything in it. Told you I was dumb. I tried Sixpence's instructions but could not actually enter any url's in it. Oh well, so much for sharing all your Blogs with the world.


  1. Are you using an ad blocker on your web browser? If so, temporarily disable it with Blogger and see if that improves anything.

    1. don't think so. I use just plain vanilla Chrome to browse. if it has a built in ad blocker I would not know how to find it much less disable it. Think I am just going to give up.

  2. Yep you got the blog list... that was under blog gadgets. Once the configure blog list comes up, you scroll down, and hit Add new blogs. Then the box will appear to blog name and blog url. Once everything is on your list, you would hit save at the bottom. But I don't think it works. I have tried and tired and tried to add and delete now defunct blogs. It does let me enter the news ones, like yours, and take old ones off, but when I hit doesn't, and then I can't even get it off my screen without a refresh. I have given up.
