Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Just a quick question. Many of you have a list of blogs you follow on your blog site. How do I do that. Keep in mind that I am old and dumb and need step by step instructions that a three year old could follow. Of course these days a 3 year old probably knows how to program so there is that to consider. I have looked at all the Google results and either can not understand them or the videos they show in their instructions are not anything I have even seen on Blogspot. Any help will be appreciated and rewarded in kind. Thanks.


  1. Yes, Sixpence is right. The alternative to having a blogroll on your sidebar is to use an "RSS Reader". This is how I keep track of many blogs, although to tell you the truth for this corner of the blogosphere I mostly just read John Gray's blogroll.

  2. Six..... that's the problem I'm having. When I go into add or delete blogs to update my blog roll it's accepting them and my changes, but then it's not saving anything when I hit the save button.
