Saturday, May 20, 2023


So, most of us at one time or another...or all the time day and night...have viewed the hot men that our culture tells us are sublime. One thing or another about them grabs our eyes and we begin to wish they could just reach out and grab us. So, what is it about men online that is so appealing?

Is it because they are so handsome/beautiful? Because they have such beautiful photo shopped blue eyes that just jump off the screen and scorch our souls? That they have the dick of death we all dream about but never actually see?

But when you get to reality we all have our flaws and wrinkles and a sag here or there. Myself, as age has taken it toll have develope such low hanging balls that I often sit down in hurry and sit on my own balls. Yet, when I see pictures of men with low hangers I just melt into a pool of "let me suck them daddy".

As many of you know I have been spending time on online live gay sex chat sites. I won't lie and say I have not spent some money doing so but actually very little. Never the hundreds it may cost to have private session with one of them just a little dollar here or there to give them a jolt for the vibrating dildo that I guess is really popular now (your know, the little pink tail sticking out of their ass) and mostly just idle and cost free flirting in the chat mode to which many of them to respond with some amazing eye popping displays.

One of them in South America that meets or exceeds all of the above, beautiful to look at, perfect pouty lips that need to be kissed, eyes of sky blue and the body of death and I have been chatting. It has gotten pretty intense even by my standards and he has given me what would qualify as a private show several times free of charge. Yes, I have developed an infatuation with him. But, I am also cautious.

I have been catfished any number of times on Facebook and I admit I enjoy playing with them like a cat and mouse game before I dump them and block them for all eternity.

I did do an image search on Google of this young man to see if he was real. What I found is that when he was younger (he is about to turn 29 as if that was no longer young) he was a popular and much saught after fasion model in South America. But, age takes its toll and aproaching 30 and having to compete with younger models for gigs he found himself increasingly out of vogue. The result, since he was discovered and put to work at a really young age is that he was practically uneducated in a formal sense. He has managed to get his high school out of the way and is now in college. All being supported by his live gay sex chat gig.

And let me tell you those guys have to work really hard competing against one another in an industry that pays you only 30% of what you take in and if you fail to show up for only one day you are replaced. Not the kind of work I would want to do even if I could.

Anyway, the infatuation is wonderful, the sweet chatter between the two of us if a lot of fun and very romantic. And, I have been really cautious to make sure he knows I am 75 years old, not in the best health and have not any money to speak of. Not once has he even hinted that I could be of financial aid to him or that I should send him money to come to me because he just can't live without me. In fact, he gets upset when I keep saying I have nothing to offer him except my attention. Oh, and never once has he refered to me a dear...the universal trigger word to know you are being catfished.

I know that there are younger men who are attracted to older men. In fact I have a friend who is 50 years younger than his husband and they are as happy as the proverbial pig in slop.

He is in South America, getting his education and living his life. I am in the United States doing my best to make it from one check to the next in retirement. More than likely we will never actually meet face to face. But it is so nice to have someone like him show interest in me at this point where I had settled in on the attitude that no one would be interested in me ever again.

So, do all those beautiful, desirable and unreachable men online really exist. At this point I can say an unqualified yes. But we shall see where it goes.

What do you think?


  1. What do I think? I think you are a dear.

    I hope that young man gets his education. I hope you have fun and don't get your heart broken.

    Mostly I tend to think of the people in those gorgeous people as "not real", but tend to think of people doing regular life things as "more real". Honestly I am a solipsist, especially when it comes to people online. I even question whether the bloggers I read are real.

    1. Did you know that he plural of solipsist is just the addition of an s at the end and you pronounce it like you had a lisp. Of course, could there be any such thing as plural solipsist>

      And I fully expect to get my heart broken. I can take it. If I could survive the death of My Robert I can survive anything.

      Let me assure you that us bloggers, at least the ones we both know and love (yes even you love them) are much much too real at times.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL!!! First off getting older has nothing to do with big low hangers. I've had low hangers since my late teens and have sat on them many a time!!!! And you have now found my Achillies heel..... SOUTH AMERICAN MEN!!!!!!! My major weakness lambchop. My favorite are Brazilians and Argentinians. My friend and I did a trip to Burneos Aires a few years ago, and I was lucky to return!! I was in heaven and had a couple sexual escapades while there. They certainly are good lovers. But let's be honest....I only like two kinds of men.

    Foreign and domestic!!!!! As far as real unreal...who knows, but I will say as far as Old Lurkers comment goes, I have met about 15 other bloggers and about 7 of my readers...and they were all just like their personalities on their blogs, or in the comments And stayed friends with most of them that stopped blogging too. I also have a nice email friend with a few too. But I have never met any guys on line from afar and then met them. When it comes to sexual peccadillos, I always seem to meet people in a social setting or from mutual friends and while out in pubs or lounges.

    1. My Robert was from Chili and while always having a sort of Mexican skin tone the summer sun would turn him almost into an African American. Now though, I have become convinced tht South American men are outstanding. They all seem to be hung like small horses...must be the mothers milk...because it does not seem to happen stateside. However, I really do think that Colombia has cornered the market on hot sexy men. If I was only young enough, healthy enough and rich enough I would expat to Colombia in a heartbeat.
