Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Many of us, if not most, have been led to believe that somehow the size of a mans foot somehow related to the size of his penis. All we had to do was to look at his shoes and know that bliss was contained in that image.

Turns out that we have all been misled. Several studies have shown that there is no relationship between the size of a man's penis and his feet. This has resulted at times with many men with smaller feet having been viewed as having small penis' when in fact thay might actually be hung like a small horse while those with large feet turn out to be "princess tiny meat".

A study recently done in South Korea has, in fact, found that a more accurate means of determining the size of a man's penis (whithout grabbing him and yanking his pants down around his knees) lies in his hands. 

This study "found that men whose index fingers are most similar in length to their ring fingers are more likely to be well endowed. They measured those two fingers on 144 volunteers, and then measured their penises - both while they were flaccid and then while they were stretched. (Because apparently getting them erect makes it less about science and more about recreation time, so stretching replicates how things roll when things get steamy.)"

While statistically not a large sample I suspect that at least a few of us would be happy to be part of the group that did the measuring. The results: "men with the smallest gap between the two finger measurements had the biggest penises."

I present a picture of my hand for you to judge on your own...

Those with a more significant difference between the two fingers were found to be on the smaller side.

Another study, done in Greece, using only the index finger, found that the length of a man's index finger was directly in proportion to his penis size. So the larger the index finger, the larger the penis. (Note to self. They use the term larger and not longer. Perhaps additional research needs to be done.)

So, what brings this about? Seems that the testosterone levels in the uterus not only control a boy's penis length, but also how long his fingers grow. So, proper prenatal care may be needed these days since additional studies indicate that the average length of the human male penis is getting shorter over time.

As for shoe thing. St. Mary's Hospital in the UK measured 104 men's feet and penises, and found no correlation beween the two whatsoever. 

Have a nice day guys.


  1. Ah...but does "stretched" length equal "erect" length? Who volunteers for that study?

    1. I suspect that the study group was made up a some horny men. And as for stretching. Well, I guess it would depend on who was doing the tugging. Personally, I am afraid if someone was tugging on me an erection would soon follow.

  2. It ain't so much the size though .....

  3. Ohhh I've heard about the index and ring finger theory!
    And I would have to say that it tends to be true, especially when it comes to length, but we all know that girth and savoir faire are about 70% of that equation....
    I'm still looking at your hand, though.
    And you know that Lurkie is gonna drop by in three... two...


    1. And you made me laugh as well. Agree though, I have been in the company of men who had not the longest of organs but even the best of us would have a hard time dealing with the girth of the thing. Now, if Lurkie is watching he has to post a picture of his hand as well and making a snide comment.

    2. Alas, I do not have beautiful hands like you. My index and ring fingers are also quite different lengths. Data!
