Monday, May 15, 2023

 Well, I needed a new toilet brush and ordered one from Amazon. The one that was delivered has an interesting handle. It looks like one of those new modern dildos that I see in videos now and then.

 Now I know, based on some of my recent postings, you may be tinking, "gee Jon, problem solved". Don't even go there. For one thing I would be afraid of the crystal ball on the end of it coming off and having to explain how I was cleaning the bathroom in the all together and slipped and just sat right down on it (which even I would not believe) and for another thing it is only about 4 or 5 inches long.While that may be of interest to some if I am going to do myself I want to know that something is there. And finally, even I am not at that point yet. But I will keep it on hand.

I also ordered a new pressing (a 180 gm vinyl) of Julie London's Very Best of Judy. It has some of my favorites and the disc itself is a milky green. Won't be here until some time next week.

That really is about all. I did pick up my new glasses this a.m. Lens' are a bit larger. So I can now see things higher up without tilting my head back and getting that awful pain in my neck. Oh, and I have been scheduled for a Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Myocardial at rest and excercise. It is a really strange stress test. They inject you with some sort of chemical that makes you feel like you are running a hundred miles an hour and when you are about to pass out they inject another chemical that slows you back to normal. All without breaking a sweat.

Now I have to call the Pain Management Doctor and see where we stand on a follow up visit since I have had the spinal MRI.


  1. Hahaha
    Well, that's one fancy toilet brush. And even though it kinda looks fun, I trust the Aneros better. Put that in an Amazon search. You'll be surprised what one small thing can do for you.

    Also, I didn't know you had vinyl! Oh, I love, love, LOVE vinyl. I have Timi Yuru in my list. BTW, if you have more than ten records, I'd suggest Discogs. It's a fab app that keeps track of your collection. And that test sounds like something I would not like to do. Why don't they put you on an elliptical? No impact and all the heart workout they'd want...
    Good luck with the exams, though...


    1. OMG. I did put Aneros in Amazon and WOW. They are not all that expensive but I will have to start saving my loose change. Then of course I will need someone to come here and show me what to do with it. Looks pretty self explanatory but would want to make sure I made no mistakes and missed out on anything. I am open to volunteers (starting my career as a dirty old man here...did you notice?)

      And yes, I also love vinyl. Am starting a nice collection of what I enjoy. Have a little Victorla suitcase record player which sounds really good. But hope to upgrade in the not too distant future if I can find something that won't get me kicked out of this place. Will have to give Discogs a look as well. If you are ever in the area you should come over and spend the night (offer extends to all of you) and we can sit around spinning disc all night and giggling like school girls. Of something else if that is not your pleasure. (see how I did that again).\

      I am really working on being a flirty tramp.

    2. Oh and P.S. Amazon has a bunch of Timi Yuro vinyl all for under 20 bucks each. Can't wait until payday.

    3. Oh, I totally recommend it.
      Aneros works like magic. And I would absolutely drop by to listen to some music and giggle! Flirty Tramp is a fantastic Drag name, BTW.
      I am immediately heading to Amazon to find me some Timi Yuro.


  2. A small prick never killed anyone.

    Julie London!!!!!!!! I'll be there momentarily know I LOVE me A LOT of Ms. London.

    1. Babes, you and I both!
      We are going to have to pay Jon a visit, I'm telling you!


    2. Yes, it would be nice if you visited. But I hope you bring along a chaperone. I've read your blogs long enough to know how you lure innocents like flies to the spider's web. (We all remember the poor Lumbersexual.)

    3. So how far back in his blog do I have to go to find the story of the Lumbersexual? Inquiring minds you know.

    4. Maddie's blog, not Sixpence's. Sixpence is more circumspect about his prey. If you search for "lumbersexual" in Maddie's blog you can find a bunch of mentions, but the most direct post is probably .

  3. Gee, Jon. Problem solved. Now you will have nice clean toilets for when you entertain gentlemen callers.

    1. Clean toilets because I have a lady to clean for me. Gentlemen callers...well, I'm not holding my breath. Did think it was funny, that handle though.
