Thursday, May 4, 2023

Good News...Sort of... 

Well the endoscopy went well. I do have to learn to swallow again but at least I am not trying to choak myself for another year. They did find pre-cancerous polyps which they snipped out for testing but say I should not be all that concerned. It is something that happens over the years with Barretts Esophagus.

Then they took a look at my pancreas and yes there is a pre-cancerous cyst which we have to watch every couple of months. The pain in my gut that I have been having is due to an inflamation caused by the cyst. We will do another scan, an MRI this time, to make sure that it does not change. Pancreatic cyst are not uncommon and typically are pre-cancerous.

So, yet one more time, I get to modify my diet. Fresh, frozen and dried fruit and veggie vendors, you are on notice that I am your new best friend.

Thanks to you all for your expressions of concern and good wishes.


  1. Replies
    1. And I can eat all the fruits I can get my hands on. Yea!!!

  2. Yay for fruits!!
    And you know that those freeze dried strawberries are awesome. Also, didn't you say you can get those delish fruit bowls at the place where you live??


    1. Yes, in fact I had a fruit plate for lunch when I got back from the test. Also, I just placed a large order for dried fruit and nuts from Nuts dot com that is set to be delivered on Saturday. Tomorrow I will go to the market and get some fresh stuff to pig out on.

  3. One of the few benefits of Texas is that you should have access to fresh local fruits and veg year-round. Are there any hippie organic farmers near you? You could subscribe to a fresh food box.

    Honestly your results sound a little frightening to me, but I am glad you are satisfied with them.

    1. It is a much longer story than can be told here. But when My Robert died I just sat and vegitated for the first six months. What is happening with my body right now and where and how I live today is a direct result of that. I am however a survivor and all these health things are just that...things....that I can deal with. I have always lived with the philosophy that if this is the worst then I have to face it and move on.
