Saturday, May 27, 2023

 Early morning here and with a foggy mind this is what I begin the day with...

Besides si and no this is the only spanish I need to know....

So bite ... no let me rephrase...suck on that one for a while. I will post more later about my adventures in the emergency room yesterday. I am fine but it was an E ticket.


  1. "Gracias" could also come in handy.

    Emergency room??

  2. Four magic words in any language in my opinion!

    I sure hope you're all right. If you need some sponge baths I guess I can catch a flight down there.

    1. I am fine. I am about to do a post of what happened. But those sponge baths do sound tempting. I could feign any injury appropriate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
