Thursday, October 6, 2022

 This will be one of my favorite type of days. The only thing I absolutely have to do is remember to give myself my Trulicity injection. I do mine in the abdomen, something I never thought I would be able to do to myself having been raised to not stick sharp objects in ones self. But the ongoing positive impact on my A1C makes it all worthwhile.

Then the day belongs to me. I can meditate and contemplate. I can read and rest and take a nap or two. And I can eat and be self indulgent...something I really enjoy.

And, I have nothing major until late next week when I have an apointment with my Cardiologist to check on the status of my anurysm. Then, the week after, it will be an apointment with my ENT specialist to ultrasound a Thyroid nodule that, so far, has just been sitting there driving the doctors crazy. And finally, on the 24th, early voting begins in our county. Something I have been waiting for for too long.

I do encourage everyone to vote. Not only are there Govenors to be elected but other offices, judges, etc. And, in some areas, amendments that will impact the way you live. So don't think it is a done deal, get out there and vote.


  1. I love a Do Nothing Except What i Want Kind Of Day!

  2. They used to be few and far between. But, since my retirement and widowhood (not having anyone saying Jon, just man up and get it done) it seems like I have more than my share. Of my own choosing of course.

  3. How will you vote? Not a trick question; I'll still read your blog even if my politics are not yours.

    1. I will vote for who and what I thing is the best for my State and the people who live here. I do not have to agree with everything. I just apply the doctor's oath to politics...Do No Harm!!!! It is important for everyone to vote even those who have a different life philosophy than I. My grandfather raised me to believe that I had a responsibility to vote in every election I was eligible to vote in and to be informed about the candidates and issues going in.

  4. I was raised the same.
