Monday, October 3, 2022

 Well I have finally had time to begin reading the five volumes of the Eli and Max Mysteries by Dave Snyder. I am only about half way through the first book The Body On The Lawn  and while I would like to read on through to the end tonight I won't. At my age the eyes and their ability to focus often rule your evening hours. A couple of things though. First, and most important, is that I would like very much to be able to sit in Eli and Max's library, perhaps a nice leather chair in a corner with a little table on one side and a lamp on the other and read. I could just sit there, unnoticed and quiet. No one would even have to acknowledge my being there. I could be the old man in the chair in the library. A mystery in myself. The other thing is the character referred to as Cook. Does she have a name? Another mystery within the mystery.

I love to read. I love the English language. I love the feel and smell of books. Yes, I am a bibliophile. I admit it and am proud to be one. And, I have always enjoyed a good mystery. One with characters that actually are supposed to be there doing things that regualr people would do with sometimes unexplainable reasons. But they carry you forward in the book. So far I do recommend these books as a good read, even if I have only just begun reading them.

I have often thought about writing. But while I may be able to produce 10 pages of text it is all the other stuff that goes into writing, descriptions, feelings, twist and turns that I just can't seem to make sound at all natural. So I ride the coatails of those who can do these things.

Now I need to start thinking about bed. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow afternoon in Abilene and plan to leave early enough to pick up some flowers and visit Robert's grave. I have not been there in about a month and I am saddened about that. But tomorrow I will make up for it and maybe even have time to have lunch at one of the restaurants we used to like going to together.

Have a nice night all, good dreams and restful sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog while reading another somewhere. I look forward to your story. Your writing here is real and honest.
