Saturday, October 8, 2022

 What the hell. Blue Bell Ice Cream has already released their first flavor geared toward the Christmas holidays and a couple of television stations are alread releasing their first holiday themed movies and advertisements.

It is not even Halloween yet.

Get a grip corporate America. Just because we are in a messed up economy does not excuse your trying to redefine the calendar just to assure profit.

Oh, and Blue Bell, you may make one of the better ice creams marketed in this part of the country but you had better be ready to discount the price because I will not be buying any until December.


  1. Everyone wants to be first, at selling or buying!

  2. I was giving out about Christmas stuff in the shops till someone said - If you’ve got a very tight income it helps to spread the inevitable Christmas spending - if stuff appears early you can buy it bit by bit over a longer period.
    Now I feel more relaxed about the early appearance of things like Christmas crackers.

    1. My turn to be the old stick in the mud. If your income is so tight that you have to rob peter to pay paul in order to indulge in the "inevitable Christmas spending" maybe you should rething you priorities. (NOTE: You does not refer to you specifically but all of us in general.)

  3. I know what you mean but for many people there may be a genuine desire to give treats once a year to favourite people which entails spending more than usual and so the answer is to spread the extra expense over several weeks.
