Saturday, October 15, 2022

 I sometimes sleep with my eyes open. Yes, it is disturbing if you are sleeping with me and are not aware of it before hand. You might wake in the middle of the night, look over at me and see me with eyes wide open and think I have died. I don't know why I do it, I just do. The problem is that my eyes dry out and when I wake up the first thing that happens is that I blink which scratches the eye ball and I spend the rest of the day with a good deal of pain, eyes that think they are Niagra Falls and a seriously runny nose.

This morning was one of those mornings. So everything I had planned to do today, clean house, mow the yard, do  some errands, will have to be put of until my eye decides that it can tolerate light, much less sunlight.

So, sunglasses are in order if I venture outside the house. No television or reading since I can't really focus and typing this with a bright white computer screen is probably not the wisest thing I have ever done.

Temps today are what they have been for the past few days but tonight that will all change and we will have a serious drop in temps with lots of rain...or so they say.

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