Monday, October 10, 2022

 The one thing I do not like about living way out in the country is the frequency of power outages. Ours went out at 7:30 p.m. last night and has just come on again at 2:45 a.m. Of course, everything that was on when it went out came back on and so now I am awake earlier than I would have liked.

When we first bought the farm the first thing we discovered is that the old copper phone lines were so old and in such a poor state that land line service was imposible and a waste of money. So we made the transition to exclusively cell phones which I had been avoiding being the creature of habit that I am. Of course thet meant finding a cell provider that actually worked inside our house way out here. We had had Verizon for what seems like a lifetime but it did not work here even though their service map said it should. Finally, after many calls and arguments they sent a rep out to verify we got no signal, which proved us right, and allowed us to cancel our contract with them.

Finally we had to settle for ATT who I abhor and are very expensive. When Robert died our 200  dollar a month bill had to go. Since we had satified our contract requirements with them I began seraching for a new and more affordable provider. Finally I discovered Consumer Cellular who sells the same high quality equipment and acctually runs off the ATT towers, so extensive coverage and they give me an AARP discount.

Oh, and a few months ago I really splurged and got an iPhone 13 Pro Max which I am still learning to love having been an Android user for my entire cell phone existence. Yes, I actually got a cell phone that cost over a thousand dollars which I swore I would never do. But they are letting me make smallish monthly payments with no interest so there is that.

So, what did I do in the dark last night. I read. With my extreme love of books you might be surprised that even I have a Kindle Paperwhite and a Kindle Fire so I was able to spend several hours in absolute electric white noise free and total darkness reading. A while back, as my financial situation caught up in the inflationary spiral, I had to admit that buying books willie-nillie was probably not the thing I should do. That I could spend 99 cents on an ebook copy, read it and determine if I wanted to add it to my library on paper before I scraped together the 35  to 75 dollars that so many of my books costs.

Now I am trying to decide if I what to shell out 99 cents for a e-copy of Proust and committ myself to actually finally reading it as my Fall/Winter readathon.


  1. Like a few other Boomers in the UK we took the final scary step and got rid of our landline. The younger generation(s) being mobile have never bothered to have them in the first place. Both our iPhones are on cheap monthly deals (£8)
    I LOVE not being on a landline. I’m in full control of who phones me. In the bad old days one of my acquaintances who loved to talk would phone me and I would be anchored to the call, in my kitchen, unable to do much except look over at the cooker, out of reach, as the kettle boiled away.

  2. Funny how I think that landlines are quaint and even a little bit useful. Pity yours was beyond repair. And I also have books in my iPad. It really comes handy when I travel because I don't have to carry my books with me. But I love books. I usually get them at Half Price Books. You should try them! And then there's my trusty local library.
    Oh, and your iPhone is newer than mine. I have an iPhone 8, I think!!


