Saturday, October 1, 2022

 Here it is 8 p.m. and I am exhausted.

Sherman made it out and mowed our fields so that is done for another 2-3 months. May be able to make it past Winter before he has to come out again.

And, I mowed as I indicated I would in my earlier post. Ended up with a flat tire on the riding mower some how. Now I just have to figure out what to do about it. Why can't Roberts ghost just do some sort of supernatural magic and it would be taken care of? So many things that he took care of now get put off until I can eiher find someone to help or a YouTube video that tell me how to do it.

Got my laundry done, it is still sitting in the dryer. I will deal with that tomorrow. Just toss in a damp washcloth and run it for 10 minutes or so and all should be fine. Not the first time I have done that.

I did start reading the first book of five by Dave Snyder...the Eli and Max Mysteries. Had to stop though because my eyes were just too tired and had been exposed to way too much grass pollen. But I have enjoyed what I have read so far and am looking forward to all five. Dave also writes a blog titled Riding On which I encourage you to read as well.

Now I am just treading water until a decent time to go to bed. I don't need to go to sleep early and end up waking up even earlier that I normally do.

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad I’ve discovered your blog.
