Saturday, October 29, 2022

 I finished the 4th book in the Eli and Max Mysteries by Dave Snyder last night and admit I did something I had not done in a while. I actually started the book on the 27th and, except for a few hours sleep and dealing with my chores here on the farm, I read right through to the end which was about 10 p.m. last night. Now, sometime today, I will begin the 5th book in the series and then begin the process of eagerly waiting for book number 6 to become available.

I have always enjoyed a good mystery but had found more and more of them to be formula driven and not all that entertaining. The Eli and Max Mysteries however I found to be not be that way at all. I find Snyders writing to be fresh and enjoyable. His characters develop not only within a single volume but grow as individual characters with each volume you read.

I have to admit that the characters Eli and Max are so intriguing to me because they remind me so much of my Robert and me. While they are incredably rich we were very poor (middle class at best). While they are active we were not even though we live on a farm and are "active" in the maintenance thereof. While they seem to have a bit of a drinking problem (my estimation and opinion only) neither of us drank. But their relationship with one another, their banter and humor, the way they tease one another is so much like my Robert and me that it is possible to see us in them as I read.

We all have read something where we could fantasize about being in that place, having that experience, that sort of thing. But, for me, reading the Eli and Max Mysteries is a trigger for some ot the best memories I have. So, I thank Snyder for that.

So, I do suggest you give them a read if you like a good mystery. They are available on Amazon as both print copies and ebooks. Oh, and Snyder also writes a entertaining and informative Blog which you can find at and which I think you will enjoy.

Now after two days of pretty heavy rain which we needed badly it is supposed to dry out and the temps should go from the cold and damp 40's and 50's to a, at least psychologically needed, 50's to 70's with lots of sun. That I am looking forward to, especially since I have been in the throws of an allergy attack that is trying to settle in my head and become a cold. I am about juiced out and in bad need of something really spicy to eat. We shall see what I can pull together.

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