Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 Well we live and we learn. For example this morning I was re-reading some of Old Lurker's blog and noticed that Notthewiser is "stunningly attractive". Nice to know that at least one of my readers/friends is in that catagory. 

Why was I re-reading Old Lurker's blog. Because I like the way he writes and expresses himself. If you have not partaken in it you should. I only wish that he, and several others I read regularly, would write more. Of course, with Lurkie I have occassional comments here that amuse, entertain and inform. So there is that at least.

Of course I probably just write way too much myself. But I never knew when or how to just keep quiet. And, being as opinionated as I can be I seem to always have something to say. Usually I just say it in the quiet and emptiness of my mind. But, do now and then let some of it bubble over into the public eye.

Today is supposed to be in the low 80's and windy. They have issued a "red alert" for fires beginning on Thursday. We had more than our share of that last year and are not looking forward to a repeat. But, at least I am looking forward to the nicer weather that in in the forecast. Once things warm up my arthritis seems to calm down.

So I wish all my stunningly attractive and highly intellegent readers all the best. Hope for nice weather and good times for you all. Virtual love, hugs and all such to you each.


  1. 80s? Oh, that would be nice.... Can't wait for warm weather.

  2. Oh yes. Sixpence is quite the piece. He dare not post his picture on his blog lest he be overwhelmed with sexual propositions and marriage proposals. Apparently he is fantastic in bed too.

    I don't blog much partially because blogging was a big mistake, and partially because I have run out of things to say.

    I can't believe you have gone from freezing weather to fire warnings within the space of.. what? .. two weeks?

    1. It is West Texas. We get all the extremes, sometimes minute by minute. Two days ago it was struggling to hit 40.

  3. Hahaha oh, you know Lurkie. He's prone to exaggeration. In my case it is more on the side of hyperbole, but hey. And he should write more, I agree. Love his style.
    And we are gonna be forty today. A heat wave.


    1. Guess you need to break out the shorts and tank tops just to keep cool.

    2. When I first read that I almost wished you a happy 40th birthday.

    3. 40th birthday?! Sixpence is Year of the Tiger, so was born in 1998. He's 25!

    4. I was born in 1948. Does that mean that I am also only 25?

    5. That would likely be a Rat year, not a Tiger one. But as Groucho says, you are only as old as the women you feel.

  4. You can find Six on Chatterbate! And as for Lurkie(?)....yawn.
    (joshing of course) They're calling for 90f here today.
    jimmy-the homely one

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, I have been doing 'research' on Chaturbate... for a post.


  5. It was 80s here in Camden today; lovely.

  6. Well, I don't do any of those apps like Chatterbate so I will have to rely on my trusty old imagination like I do for the rest of you. By the way, none of you fail to meet my high standards in my mind. A beautiful bunch of men. And, Jimmy, I have never met a homely person that was not even more beautiful that most runway models. It is said that true beauty is found in the flaws.

    1. We pay more $$$ for sex, too!

    2. Jimmy posts selfies on his ephemeral blog from time to time. If you catch one you will soon see that he is a cutie.

  7. Ok Lurkie, you get a freebie.

    1. Pocket gays are eternally cute.
      We have seen you strutting around in white shorts, remember???

