Monday, February 20, 2023

 What a morning it has been here. Started off with me thinking that it was Tuesday and getting all ready for my dentist appointment. Then there was confusion with the shuttle that takes me to and from my apointments so I had to call and change my dentist appointment to March 15th. Then I was late going up to take Tyger out for his walk. But things are calming down nicely and I can start to breath.

The weather here today is supposed to hit the 80's with more of the same for tomorrow. Sounds like a good day for an afternoon walk. Also, I need to walk over to Dollar General and get some light bulbs.

I have been messing around with Ancestry ever since I did my DNA with them. Yesterday I found an announcement of my birth...

 So there is actual proof that I do exist. From the Abilene Reporter News of April 22, 1948.

Then poking around I found a copy of my dads draft registration card from 1940. He was living in Los Angeles at the time and working as a carhop at Herberto's Drive Inn. It showed his place of residence as an apartment building at 668 S. Rampart in L.A. I almost passed out. That is the same place that My Robert and I lived when we moved into town from North Hollywood to be closer to my office. What a trip it would be if we actually lived in the same apartment. No way of knowing that though at this point. But that we lived in the same building as my dad...what are the odds?

Then, this morning, I was on Facebook wishing a friend a happy birthday and noticed a picture in her friends list that looked familiar. Well, turns out to be a man named Jack that I eat with three times a day. He is 97 and has lived here for 3-4 years. And he has a daughter named Amy that goes to the same church I go to.

This old world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.


  1. I suppose it is good to find confirmation you exist. But it is strange that the surname in the article is "Casey" and not "Newman". Maybe your blog is actually an elaborate ruse written by a chatbot? I know mine is.

    1. I truly love your imagination.
      When's the novel coming out, Lurkie??



    2. Just maybe my mother remarried a man named Newman, or maybe she hated my dad enough to change my name or maybe I am only a figment of so disturbed mind. I ain't gonna tell. Oh, and the N in my dads name W.N. Casey is for Newman just to toss the salad a bit more.

  2. Several of my friends have done the Ancestry thing and the 21andMe thing. I should do it, too. May get a surprise.
    And it's all seven degrees of separation, dear. Really.


    1. Of course that means that each of us knows someone who knows someone who knows us. Just think about that. All your darkest secrets just waiting to be revealed over cocktails some night.

    2. I'll need Gin for that!
