Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 Tax Refund check has been deposited. So, money is going to be my new security blanket.

And, the results are in on my Ancestry DNA test. I am a little more than half Scots, Welsh and Danish. With a chunk of Northwest Europe and a smidgen of English and Irish for good measure. In other words, I am about a white as white bread. There was less than 1% Greek/Mediteranian in there for spice but not enough to brag about, probably not even enough to spice the soup with.

Today it is supposed to top out at near 80 degrees but tomorrow back to the mid-40's. Welcome to Texas I suppose.

Got started early and did two loads of laundry which are now drying. Have my annual "Wellness Exam" today also. Next week I have three appointments. One with Pain Management, one with the Dentist and one with my new foot doctor. Each on their own day. Wish they could all be consolidated to one day but having to depend on the transportation provided here I have to split them up. So the entire week will be pretty well worn down by next Friday.

So, in closing, just a reminder...


  1. I know I have a drop of Greco-Roman in me, too. It ends up too far back in the ancestry to matter a whole lot - but I brag anyway. LOL

    1. Hey, us closet Greco-Roman gods may actually come back to power one day so go ahead and be proud.

  2. They're certainly keeping a close eye on you!
    I hope you can find a relief to the pinched nerve soon.

  3. Will you be telling the pain management doc about the CBD?

    1. Absolutely. Nothing to hide there, just doing the job they were supposed to be doing. And, if they do a UA and find any trace THC I don't want to end up on a pharmacy red alert. Honesty is always my best policy.

  4. Yay for money!
    And I've postponed forever to do one of those Ancestry tests. Most of my friends have done one version or another of it. And good luck with the doctors! I think I have to check on my appointments. Good thing is they text me when I have to go visit them....

