Wednesday, February 1, 2023

 Well, I have received several request for pictures of the me from the posting prior to this one already in both comments and emails. First, at some point in my past I destroyed all the evidence. But I do have some pictures from late in the 14 to 25 year old period. So, ask and you shall receive...

First, the first time I ever grew a beard. It was a lot darker back then...

Then one of my brief stent in the Army. It was before don't ask, don't tell. Well they asked and I told so that did not last long...

Now one taken at a New Years Eve party shortly after I moved to Los Angeles...

Finally one of me as a model in a show we did for a friend that designed hats...

I did my best to crop out other people to "protect the innocent". In the hat photo the man holding me was one of my favorite bar tenders. And, yes he was holding me up because I was loaded beyond imagining...

So why post these? Well my mother used to tell me I had no shame. I always replied that "no, I have no secrets.


  1. Oh! You were a clone! You even grew out the mandatory clone chest hair! I imagine Sixpence will be very pleased when he sees these.

    1. Never a big fan of manscaping. Prefer a body that is left the way it was made. The hygene arguement does not hold any water if you just take care of yourself.

    2. Ahhhh
      You do know me, Lurkie!!!
      I totally approve of the Clone look. Yes, please.


  2. Replies
    1. Thought I might as well tell since they could have dug into my past and found things that would have curled their hair.

  3. HAWT! If I had had your looks and body I'd would have done the same thing. I'm sure others reading this (including Lurkie) would too. My husband tells me I have no shame when I dance like no one's looking to 'Uptown Funk' in my underwear in the middle of the street during Pride and Halloween. Good on you!

    1. Jimmy!
      We should get together and dance to 'Uptown Funk"!!!
      I'll bring tighty whities.


  4. Oh, this is good!
    First, yes, yes, YES! to the seventies pic. LOVE IT. That new year's party was probably super fun. And you were very attractive.... I like you with a mustache because I have a thing for mustaches.
    And you were so fucking young when you went in the Armyyyyyy! Goddess. You cannot be older than what? 18?
    And like you, I have no shame. Secrets? A few. Shame? no.
    Love the pics! You should tell us the stories...

