Sunday, February 26, 2023

 Well for the past couple of days I have been in a sort of melancholy blue funk. Wish we could all get together and just sit around in the sun and commiserate with one another. Of course it would have to be here where things are getting warmer. Some of you live in areas that are so cold my testicles and tonsils would be hugging one another to get warm.

However, it is sort of grey and overcast here, no rain in the forcast but expecting nasty West Texas winds this afternoon and evening.

Sadly that is about all I have to say today. I do think I need to put some more upbeat music on. Introspective Day by Dmytro Startsey is a bit too calm for this day. Makes me just want to go to sleep.

Just dawned on me. I don't know most of your names. Besides Jimmy and Bob you are all just mysteries to me. So, fess up unless you are maintaining your anonymity for legal reasons.

Later my friends.


  1. If we were to all commiserate, I'm afraid I'd dominate the conversation. lmgao......
    The Police and FBI are still looking for the Zodiac murderer, (oops) I mean Lurkie.

  2. I wish I my mood was not so affected by the weather. There are a lot of grey days here and it is terrible. I hope it is not too windy for you to get outside with Timmy and flirt with young men in the park.

    As Jimmy suggests, there are reasons I don't use my government name in this corner of the blogosphere.

    1. If you Google "who is Old Lurker" you get all sort of strange things and the images are pretty great too. All the more proof that you are a pretty great guy.

    2. I think Lurkie has a job with the government and hence the secrecy....

