Friday, March 31, 2023

 I got up and checked and I still have two feet and ten toes which is a good thing. So I don't have to go back to the foot doctor for three months. And, I just got on the scale and I am at 179.4 pounds. I have been shooting for 180 after a hight of 210 so I seem to have exceeded my goal. I have had to buy a couple of pair of smaller jeans which I don't mind. But,  I think I may need to stabalize the weight now. Don't want to just blow away in the West Texas wind.

I have also indulged myself with the purchase of a nice old looking CD player. Plain wood cabinet with CD drawer, FM radio and all the USB ports you could hope for on such a devide. Also, I bought a bunch of Classical CD's. I got tired of having the TV on the music channel all day and, though I have a bunch of mp3's on my computer I really don't like playing them while I compute.

Weather here, as I said before, is headed into the 90's the next few days but will drop into the 60's again on Wednesday and stay there until the next weekend when it will go back into the high 80's and low 90's. So mother nature seems to be trying to get her act together. I hope she finishes soon as I am ready to start complaining about the heat.

Now, enough about me. What about you. Is everyone happy, healthy and wise? Sure hope so.


  1. Happy and healthy and, well, let's leave it at happy and healthy!

  2. Replies
    1. Found and rescued..."Sixpence Notthewiser commented on "(Untitled)"
      2 hours ago
      Yay for the weight loss!
      My doctor says it's always good to stay within a range than needing to lose a ton of weight. Also, yay for the toes."

  3. Why don't you like playing MP3s while on the computer?

    Does your new CD player also play MP3s via the USB ports?

    I have a medical appointment today, so we will see how healthy I am. (I expect it will get expensive.) I am definitely not wise, and given my curmudgeonly nature and some situational anxieties the happiness levels are fairly low. I guess I fail all your criteria today.

    1. Hope your medical appointment went well. Yes, I can play mp3 via usb port and also bluetooth. And, failing my criteria does not make you a failure. You are you and the world be damned if it is in disagreement.
