Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Well my allergies have decided to morph into a nasty head cold. Coughing, watery eyes and nose, headach but, so far, no fever. I am the tiniest bit better this a.m. but have decided to just stay in a self quarantine until at least Monday. Rest, relax and read are the chores for today.

Now, I watched Everything Everywhere All The Time for the third time and I still have to pause it now and then to try to let my brain catch up. Espceially in the first part. It really is an amazing movie and Curtis' performance is outstanding. Now though, my new favorite part of the film is the end title where Everything Everywhere All The Time stretches vertically to fill the entire screen and there are Asian characters in the background. They translate to "go pee". So, the film is over, now, go pee.

Update on Carnival Row. There are, I believe, two more episodes and then it will be all over. If you have been watching it and have not seen episode 5 yet. Hang on to your seat. It totally blew me away. And that is about as close as I am going to get to spoilers. You will see what I mean when you watch and if you have not watched it. Well, you really need to.

I did, this morning, shave off my beard and moustache. All the nose blowing and wiping was just rubbing me raw. Don't know if it will be grown back or not but I do know that I will probably only shave a couple of time a week. I have no need to be clean shaven and debonaire. I have no one to impress and probably would not try if I did. So, this is what there is and like it or not, it is me.

And, in closing, my obsession with romantic comedies. It has become apparant to me that most of the characters in these shows are just a bunch of bigamist and tramps. I have seen the same woman marry one king and three princess and no one seems to be at all bothered by her behavior. And the men, while they tend to be really good looking, they are really messed up inside if they think the women are being loyal. They all, men and women, have multiple mates in other towns...all of which look like just another street around the corner all in the same all to beautiful New England village. Now, will this knowledge stop my obsession. Probably not. I usually fantasize that I am the trampy woman hooking the hunky messed up bachelor who just broke up with the love of his life and is totally on the rebound.

So, there you have it. What a way to start a weekend. Have a great one and stay healthy.


  1. Round here anyway, where I live ( Yorkshire ) Saturdays are a real mish-mash. Since retiring, Monday has been my favourite day of the week; full of hope and plenty of time. Each day has its character and one I can work with. But Saturdays; radio is awful, telly is awful - my highlight is in the evening watching the highlights of the football from the day.
    So, in short, it doesn't surprise me that you feel a bit downbeat today.

  2. I shave twice a week. Watch "The Banshees of Benesherin" (sp) it is now on HBO.

  3. Oh dear. Rest and heal up!

    People talk a lot about that Everything Everywhere All at Once movie. I guess I should try watching it sometime?

    What is Tyger doing in your absence?

    1. His owner has actually been taking him out so my Tyger days may be numbered. Cousins are on their way in to town to take me to Urgent Care. Hope for the best.

    2. Yikes. I hope things go okay.

  4. I am seeing EEAAO in bits and pieces to give my mind a break ... but I do find it fascinating.

  5. That is what I had to do. Especially in part 1
    Everything. It was happening so fast and the english sub titles were there and gone so fast I just could not keep up;
