Monday, March 6, 2023

 Much better today. Not better enough to be out and about. But, better that I can begin to breath again without choke-coughing and sneezing a big sneeze inside an even bigger sneeze. If this continues I may actually become normal sometime soon. Just imagine that. Me....normal (ha ha ha).

Not ready to deal with the dining room so this morning I am going to fix myself chaffels. If you have never had them they are easy and delicious. One egg whisked. One half cup shredded cheese (what ever kind you like). Mix together and put in waffel iron until done. I put some salsa on them and make a pig of myself. Low carb, keto friendly, easy cleanup afterword. It is a win win in any book.

Yesterday I just sat in silence and read all day. I have not done that in a while and I really enjoyed it. I have identified a "tell" that I did not know that I had though. While reading in silence I can get a bit sleepy. The "tell" is that my eyes just start to go out of focus like they are going to take a nap with or without me. So, put the book aside and doze for an hour or so. Very refreshing.

Going Gently posted a short posting yesterday that really touched home with me. The need/desire that we all have on occassion to just be held, touched, someway in contact with a kindred spirit. It really struck home that I feel that more than I would like. Just to have a lap to lay my head on while watching a movie or someone to walk up behind and give me a hug. All the trappings of being alone and having really nothing to do with loneliness. They are to totally unrelated things. I suppose you can be lonely and alone at the same time but, for me, it is usually just the aloness. I am almost never lonely. How could I be with my Timmy Turner the Terrible Terrier?

These days, with the growth of social media, the virtual hug is about all many of us have to look forward to. I find that really sort of sad.

And so, on that happy note, send me your virtual hugs and note that they are being returned with warmth and sincerity.


  1. I hear that. Loud and clear. Big, warm hugs: 😘🥰

  2. Virtual hug and a pat on the butt too! 😁

  3. I think Jimmy is feeling you up?

    Sometimes I miss physical contact too. I have not had a hug in a few years. I probably have had fewer than five in the last 15 years?

    1. A pat on the butt would be nice also. There is something very sensual to a hug with certain folks and I send you a very sensual hug to add to your collection.

  4. Oh, so glad you're feeling better! Allergies are a curse. Mine come back in April and May and I run for the Claritin when necessary. Really.
    And I think there's nothing better than getting lost in a book. Those moments you dedicate to yourself and only yourself? Priceless.

    And I get the lonely/alone thing. There's just so much time that we can spend on our own. We're very social beings. That human touch really is something we all crave at one point or another.

    So, *hugs*. You know that if we do end up having a road trip I'll give you a 'real' one.


    1. Oh, road trip, that would be a long drive to end up here where there is nothing to see. But a more welcome visit I can not imagine. Just give me a heads up so I can clear my oh so crowded social calendar.

  5. I’m sorry you’ve got sinus - it’s the bane of my life, three sinus surgeries have improved but not cured it. Sinus rinsing twice a day is the only way of keeping mine under control, and antibiotics when they become unmanageable.

    Being alone and missing physical touch is difficult for many single people, especially as we age.. I’m happily married (47th anniversary on Monday!) but have enough single friends I sense the need. A virtual hug is all I can offer.

    Virginia from Wellington
