Wednesday, March 15, 2023

 It is said that with age comes wisom. Well, I am not sure about that. But., I do know a little bit about life and, at least for me, with age has come a sort of acceptance and willingness to stay in the present. I know, without a doubt, that I am exactly who I am supposed to be and where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing at this point in my life.

It does strike me as odd though that now and then there is a sort of shadow dissatisfaction that seems to settle on me. The feeling that I could have become more or that I don't have enough money or close friends. But most of the time I am very aware that I have exactly what I need and a good part of what I want.

Usually that dissatisfaction is associated to living environments. I am very happy with my little apartment at "the home". But then I see some article with pictures of a beautiful large house with beautiful grounds and a pool and a 10 car garage. One of those houses that has so many bedrooms and bathrooms that to use them all you would have to sleep in a diffenent one every night and to use all the bathrooms would leave you dehydrated and weak.

Where is this going? I have no idea. It is just that this morning I read about the Jackie Kennedy-O house in D.C. for sale for a paultry 26+ million dollars ( Actually three houses in a row that were joined together into one massive mansion. And did I think "how could anyone want to live in that much space"? No, I thought how nice it would be to live in D.C. in that house with all the staff and all my friends living there as well.

Keep in mind that this "cottage" has just over 16K interior square feet with 13 bedrooms, 13 full faths and 5 half baths. Of course you would need that much space for the entire K and O clans to gather together for the holidays I suppose.

Anyway, that is where my brain has settled this morning. I have always said that if you are going to fantacize then do it on a big scale

Weather here is beginning to warm us again which I am greatful for. I finally have my dentist appt. this afternoon and I dread that. Not the dentist as much as what he will tell me I need to have done. I am really ready to just have them all pulled and get a nice white set of plastic choppers. 


  1. You should buy Jackie O's house and turn it into a B&B. I'll work the front desk.

  2. When I get this months Social Security Check I will call them and make an offer.

  3. Large houses have large problems; leaky rooves, draughty windows, lawns that need mowing, high energy bills!

  4. LOL...Social Security Check...LOL. I much prefer small spaces with less 'stuff' in it. Too much dusting and good help is hard to find these day.

  5. Who are you supposed to be? What are you supposed to be doing?

    I hope you got through yesterday okay.

    1. Got through yesterday as much as I could. It sort of stays with me but March 14th is, and will continue to be, hard. As for the rest of your question. I am simply me doing what I want day by day. Really sort of nice. And i have many friends, like you, who are there to love me right back. Really nice.

  6. You are you and you're supposed to be doing what you're doing. Simple.
    Now, would it be nice to have Jackie's house and have Bob at the front desk and Maddie at the pool? Most probably (I'd be indoors, in the sunroom, if anybody needs me) but that does not mean that you are not doing something wrong. Duh.
    You know how I love smaller spaces (even though there's some size queens among my readers who always want MORE) to give you inspo for your space. You'll see. I'll keep you busy.

