Monday, November 21, 2022

 As you are probably aware 48 hours or so ago I was in an emotional tailspin. I had to face major changes in my life and had no idea how I was going to ever do it. Well, over the weekend I found and secured a new place to live where I will feel safe and secure and have some really nice people around. In addition it is in Abilene where all my doctors are and my church is. So there is that.

Then I had to start dealing with how I was going to move and get rid of things I could not take. One of the other residents where I am moving told a friend of his about me, his friend owns a second hand furniture store and runs a charity providing clothing and household items to folks in need. He came out this morning with his sister to see what I had that he might make use of. In the process of our visit he said he would be happy to move me and my belongings to the new place. Then we visited some more, talked about what was happening and how the hardest thing was that I might actually have to put down Duke and Sara since they were older and I was having no luck rehoming them. He asked if Duke would bite if he went out to see him. I told him no and he went out on the porch, Duke came up to him and it was love at first site. So, long story short, not only is he going to take all the stuff I have to leave behind. But, he is going to help move me to my new home and he will be the new daddy to duke...and his sister is going to take Sara.

So, burdens lifted, life has done a complete turn around and I feel good about the move.  I still have to go through a bunch of papers to get rid of and decide which of my books to keep. But, that is the down side of this journey.

So in 12 days I will be moved and in my new home. I will have access to internet in the new place on their residential system for free until I get my own installed.

Like so many times in the past I am taken care of by just doing the legwork and letting the heavy lifting be taken care of by someone with better skills than me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finding ways to help with the move and get yourself relocated. It's not an easy thing but it has to be done.,
