Thursday, November 24, 2022

 This is my Thanksgiving post of sorts. I say of sorts because I am hoping the level of gratitude, the overwhelming feeling of peace, the unexplainable since of family and community that I feel today (and for the last day or two) will continue throughout the year, next year, and the rest of my life.

I have moved from a state of fear over what my future may hold to a welcome feeling of safety and security, peace of mind and acceptance of things, a new willingness to downsize my life and move forward into what promises to be a great adventure. And, I am happy and find myself smiling a lot these days.

Maybe it is the fact that so much of the turmoil has settled, maybe it is the holiday movies I have been watching on Hallmark and Lifetime, maybe it is the fact that so many strangers have not only stepped up to help me in this time but have actually embraced me as a new member of their family.

Not a bad place to be for an old man who though he was going to be alone for the rest of his life and a welcome and brighter vision of my future.

The the little old man that lives up the lane is going to be all moved by December the 3rd, have new digs and new friends and new family and continue the journey down this path in front of me with excitement instead of fear and trepidation.

On that note I extend to each and every one of you a sincere wish for a Happy Thanksgiving. If you will be with your family, your extended family/friends or even on your own and alone. Know that you are all a part of my virtual family and that you are loved in that way that only virtual love can develop. Eat more than you want or need, love on those around you and be at peace for at least one day of the year. Try, if you can, to carry that feeling for the rest of you life.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Jon. May the wind be at your back and your path be clear as you journey forward. Blessings, Kris

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm glad you found a new home and community.
    The future looks bright. New adventures and new memories. Enjoy it all! I'm sure there's lots of good stories around the corner.
    Paranormal John

  3. OMG I feel so happy for you!
    I am one of those people who think that there's always a window open when all doors seem to be closed. Downsizing is a very liberating move. I'm sure you'll Marie-Kondo your life and will feel lighter.
    So glad you've also found friends and chosen family to be your support network!

