Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 I can not put into words what I am feeling right now. The mid-terms are over, votes are still being counted and, at this point, it looks as if the country will survive but still be a not really comfortable place to live.  A few Republican seats have been flipped, The PA. Senate race is a bright light on the horizon, and my beloved home state of Texas will remain the political cess pool that we have had for the past 8 years.

In two more years we will have the General Election in which we will select who will be our President for the coming four years. Let me just say that I am a hard core Democrat, just to get that out of the way up front. Now, my party, the Democratic Party, needs to take a good look at itself. My dream ticket for the 2024 election would be Mayor Pete for President and Stacey Abrams for Vice President.

I do not have any real problem with Biden but he will be over 80 years old in 2024 and, as a 74 year old man myself, I really think it is time for the Democratic Party to reach out and embrace with more enthuasium a younger ticket across the board.

As for the Republicans, they are facing another outing with 45 who has all but officially announced he will be a candidate and is already threatening to spill the beans on his most likely rival, the Gov. of Florida. So a continuing shit-show for those folks and potentially for the country.

Enought politics for now. My pain is still there. It seems to be trying to be kinder to me, but it still hurts like Hell at times. The test they did really just confirmed that every joint in my body is arthritic and my right sholder is a particularly arthritic zone that has decided to flare up for no real reason other than changes in the weather. That does not portend well for me when we get into the real Winter months for us which are Jan., Feb., and Mar.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same!
    I also think that Uncle Joe is a little bit older to run for a second term. The problem is, who would run in his place? The 2024 elections are gonna be uglier than these mid-terms....

