Saturday, January 14, 2023

 Well, the inquisition went well I think. They did not come at me with pitch forks and flaming torches. I introduced myself, talked about my mother living here several years ago, what all transpired to bring me here and how comfortable I felt. I also talked about how I am a born and bred Liberal Democrat and how I know that might not sit well with some of the folks here but that was fine since we are really all headed in the same direction after all is said and done. How my politics are tightly tied to my faith and my belief that we are all supposed to be helping one another. I told them how I was born a Southern Baptist and how over the years I had evolved to what I am today...a Christian in so far as my belief that we are all of one family no matter our named religion and/or dogma and that we were commanded to love one another and how that commandment did not list any exceptions.

In the Q and A afterwords I was asked about my family and to my surprise several of the folks there had known and/or been employees of my father. They knew his story and there was a pretty much unanimous feeling that he was a good man dispite his shortcommings. A couple of the ladies had worked with my stepmother in founding the Abilene Women's Club which still exist and is involved in all sorts of charities.

I talked about my relationship with the one great love of my life and how it had ended after so many years. About how that had impacted my entire life and probably had a lot to do with my deteriating health and eventual need to move to an Independent Living place.

One thing I did become aware of was that no matter the age of my fellow residents we all share something in common that sounds a lot more depressing than it is and that is that we all are pretty much the end of the line in our respective families. That after us there will be no more of our line. That common thread is, I believe, what makes this place so unique.

So, all in all, I am satisfied with it. Now we go forward with our life in this place that I call "the home" with new friends and goals.

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