Sunday, January 22, 2023

 Looks like what I thought would be an early Spring is not to be. This coming Tuesday night they are predicting we will get up to an inch of snow with temps in the low 20's. I know an inch of snow is nothing for many of you but for us here is will paralize the entire region. If there was a way we could harness the energy form all the shivering that will be going on we could probably blow it all to our North where is belongs.

Now for my pet peeve of the day. Television, either traditional or streaming services, do a show that I enjoy and then announce there will be no second season due to low viewership. Hell, I was watching it, don't they know how important I am?

I have been streaming Night Sky on Prime and while it is a bit slow I have been enjoying it. I have two more episodes to watch of what was to be there first season only to find out there will be no season two. I am pissed. If I did not get Prime movies as part of my annual Prime membership which gives me free shipping, etc. I would just cancel it all.

I did cancel both Deekoo and Here which I just subscribed to. They advertise a movie as being in english and it turns out to not be. Yes, the movies are nice to watch but if you can not understand the dialogue why bother. Plus the blatent fraud of claiming they are in English knowing full well they are not.

And finally. Someone in the kitchen (probably a six year old that waundered in off the street) has decided that dinner tonight will be corn dogs. I am sorry, that is not dinner any day of the week much less a Sunday dinner. I will probably just Door Dash a burger and fries or some such delicasy. Afterall, I am at least a 16 year old in regards to meal choices.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly those television executives have no idea of what they have gotten themselves into. They will rue the day they cancelled your favorite shows!
