Monday, January 23, 2023

 Just put in two loads of laundry so have a few minutes and thought I would do a quick post.

Weather is cold this a.m. and will remain cold for a few days. Tomorrow we are predicted to possibly get some snow. Depending on who you listen to it could be anything from no accumulation to up to 6 inches. All I know for sure is that, except for Timmy's outings, I will not be going out in it.

Started watching The Rig last night on Prime. Not holding my interest so will probably just delete it from my watch list. I have several movies on tap to watch so that will be a nice way to spend some time on these cold days. I am reminded again how nice it is to not have to be concerned with a utility bill. I can keep it all as warm as I want and just enjoy life.

Now I want to thank all of you who follow this blog and/or comment on it. I write it to be a journal of my life but also, and maybe more so, to share what happens with you all. So far I have not received any snide comments or provoked anyone to just do what we used to call flame me. Hope I never do. I stay pretty much away from topics related to politics because they tend to upset me on my own and the last thing I want to do is get into some sort of I am right and you are wrong bitch fight.

I do, on occassion, touch or things spiritual and/or religious, simply because I have an interest in those topics. But, I tend to not be dogmatic in my opinions on those topics, leaning more to the philosophy that we are all unique and that uniqueness is what makes us worthy of one another.

Now, that said, I send out warm hugs for these cold days. Thank you all for simply being you.


  1. Good morning, Jon. I'm hooked on tennis at the moment, as the Australian Open in on. Tennis players have great backsides. Can you get "TUBI" on your TV? It's free and has some great gay movies and documentaries.

  2. Right. Laundry. I guess I should do some so I won't have to be naked.

    1. Nothing wrong with naked so long as the weather is not too cold.
