Thursday, January 12, 2023

 We are back to more normal temps starting today. Highs in the mid 50's, wind and the very slight possibility of some rain. I will believe the rain part when I am standing outside drenched to the bone.

Today I will stay inside as much as possible, take Timmy for his necessary walks but avoid the sunlight since I, one more time, slept with my eyes open and am now suffering from nasty dry eye with lots of tearing that is trying to lubricate them.

I do that now and then for some reason. Probably should ask my eye doctor when I see him in April if there is anything that can be done that does not involve some sadistic surgical procedure. There is a man living here who has to have a needle stuck in his eye about once a month trying to get rid of a blood clot that is there. The day I lay still and see a needle coming at my eye will be a cold day in hell.

I probably should do a little cleaning. Timmy tends to bring in dust which settles in corners and needs to be swept. I may just do a Swifter of the floors. I have some Swifter pads that have lavender in them. That would be nice.

Other than that, since it is a strain to try to read, I will probably just watch a few movies on television. I did subscribe to both Dekkoo and Here channels on Prime so there are plenty of Gay films to watch, mostly with sub-titles but I can just watch the pretty people speaking words that I don't understand I suppose.

Now, off to breakfast. I was going to fix something here myself but decided to order a set of silicon kitchen utensils instead and they won't be delivered until Saturday so that can be my excuse to not cook.

Have a great day everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Hope the doc comes up with an option!! Maybe a sleeping mask? Something to keep the eyes closed?
    I cannot imagine seeing a needle come to my eye. That's why I'll never have eye surgery voluntarily. I'll wear glasses forever.

