Friday, July 29, 2022

 Dreams can be an amazing thing.

The dogs got me up early again last night but I did go back to sleep, fitfully, for a while. But I was still tired so, after my morning chores (life on the farm has its demands), had my breakfast and the lay back down for a short nap.

I had a dream that I was sitting at my desk paying bills and heard a sound. I looked up and Robert walked into the room. I was shocked awake, sat up in bed, saw the empty room and empty door and immediately burst into tears. Then I noticed that Duke, our Anatolian mix, was laying in his place guarding the door to my room to keep me safe while slept and he was wagging his tail and looking at the door. Not a twitching wag like when he dreams but a happy and welcoming wag like he was happy to see someone.

At that moment I realized that dreams can be real, in the heart if not in the mind.

Now I also have to sit down and pay some bills like in the dream. I have to admit that I am hoping that the dream will come true.

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