Sunday, July 17, 2022

 Early this morning, before the sun was fully up, I headed into town to the little store we have here to get bottled water, cigarettes and a couple of sausage biscuits for breakfast. The water because I refuse to drink the city water here in Coleman until they finish the new water line in about a year or so. At least once a month you turn on the tap and this yellow/brown yuk comes out of the faucet. The city water utility claims it is safe to drink but I would rather drink the water in my ducks pool than that stuff.

The sausage biscuits were because I have been hit by a super lazy bug today and am planning on it just being a quiet Sunday. Maybe a little television, maybe some reading, definitely some eating and some napping.

We have our heat advisories back for another week or so. Suspected it was too good to be true, the nice weather we had for a couple of days.

While I was driving home from the market it struck me that probably God is doing what God does best. Patiently waiting for his children to get their act together and do the right thing. If we don't soon we will all be on the receiving end of the questions at the Pearly Gates I'm afraid. And, don't think you can show up with prepared answers, He already knows the truth and is just waiting to catch you in your lies.


  1. OMG sorry about the water!
    Such a shame that infrastructure do not get the attention it needs!


  2. Replies
    1. It is a buiscuit (not the British cookie) made of flour, shortening and water. Baked (sort of a little loaf of bread). You split it in half and put a cooked patty of sausage in it. So, sort of a sausage sandwich usually eaten at breakfast when you are in a rush.
