Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 A cricket has taken up residence in my house. While the chirping of crickets can have a pleasant sound on a warm summer eve with the smell of Lilacs in the air that same sound for hours on end may be what finally pushes me over the edge. I have tried to locate the beast but if I go close to where it is the chirping stops and restarts as soon as I move away. And, the little bugger has evidently invited some friends over in the form of large and way to friendly grasshoppers. I know they are just trying to get out of the heat and find some water but uninvited guest are always a bother and seldom know when they have worn out their welcome and leave.

Heat continues though a degree or two less than it has been. Still need AC 24/7 but at least I have that to keep me comfortable and sane and to protect those who I hold dearest...my dogs.

Last night for some reason I fixed pancakes for dinner. Don't know if my circadian rhythm was just way out of whack or I was just going nuts. Mixing and standing over a hot stove while they cooked was not the way I had originally planned my dinner. Actually I have gotten in the habit of just nuking something frozen to keep the heat down. So now you know, regardless of knowing that I should eat better, I usually don't.

Now I have to hit the road to the feed store and get chicken/duck feed and dog food before the heat settles on us again. Usually this time in the morning is nice to drive since I am rural and the drive into town is quiet and on empty highways.

Have the best day you have ever had. Wish I could gather us all together and go someplace cool for a pleasant gathering.

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