Friday, July 15, 2022

 So, what if my life is just some half-assed television show that someone with pretty poor taste is watching and getting off on? My first suggestion would be that they should fire most of the writers. There are a few good ones, the ones that give me a win and a good line now and then. But for the most part the writing is pretty poor. Then, maybe relocate the show to a nice cool climate, maybe with a beach and lots of really good and cheap restaurants and theaters. Last I would suggest that the person/people that are watching this show need to get a life.

Of course this could be the absolute worst reality show ever produced.

Now for the weather. We had a decent little rain and some strong winds last night that cooled things down to what should be our normal weather for the next week or so. Days near 100 and nights in the 60's and 70's. At this point we may end up actually having a Fall after all. We can only hope.


  1. Well that’s our hope too, dear Jon, how are your dogs holding up in the heat? Do you have several fans to keep the air moving?

    1. Fans and two window AC units are keeping the house at least livable. Of course when the electric bill comes I will immediately go into shock at least for another month.

  2. That was our comment above as anonymous. Let us know how you’re doing young man. ❤️

    1. I am old so it took me a minute to put two and ten together and come up with Scottie and Carol. I am the new definition of slow.
