Saturday, July 16, 2022

 Here it is Saturday, which when you are retired is really just another day. 

My hens must have heard how expensive eggs have become since they have been laying an egg or two each day in some feeble attempt to increase their value to me. They have nothing to worry about. They were promised a nice retirement plan when they were just tiny little chicks. Some of them even have names which put a lock on their survival until death takes them naturally.

Now if Cat, the feral cat that took up residence in our garage several years ago would just realize the I actually do like him/her/it and let me pick them up and give them a cuddle. But whatever happened that resulted in them being abandoned out here has taken a permanent toll on them and, while I am allowed to pet them and talk to them they will not even begin to allow an actual pick up. If it was not for my dogs then Cat would be allowed in the house on these hot days and in the cold of winter. But Cat has a cat house that is heated for winter and likes to be free to roam about which results in the gifting of a mouse or lizard now an then as a gift for my efforts. Oh, and yes, Cat is the name that they have. Since they have not deemed to reveal their actual name to least not yet.

As for the dogs...well, they have had their breakfast and gone out to do-their-do and are now on my bed sound asleep. What a life!!

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