Friday, December 16, 2022

 EARTHQUAKE!!!!! Yes, I am not kidding. We had and earthquake. Located about 100 miles west of us but felt from Lubbock down to Midland/Odessa, into New Mexico and all he way past Abilene to the East. What I can find online is that it was 5.3 and only one of 24 in this area in the past month.

I was sitting and reading and it was like someone picked up the building and dropped it back down again. No big noise, no ongoing shaking, just a big plop of the building. The lights flickered and Timmy gave a big bark, jumped off the bed and ran under my desk.

All is back to "normal" now and it was really sort of exciting. Nothing like what I have been through in So. Calif. but enough to get the juices flowing. There is a group of residents playing rummy in the library next to me and they say they did not feel a thing but they get sort of roddy and probably just thought someone had a good hand of cards.

1 comment:

  1. We've been having earthquakes here, too. Some are unnoticeable, and others feel like a bang.
