Saturday, December 17, 2022

 Well, it was officially a 5.6 magnitude quake and the fourth strongest quake in Texas history (since they have been tracking them). Of course that does not include back when the Permian Basin was the ocean floor and when most of what is now Texas was all under water.

John, Going Gently posted this morning with a clip of a Meatloaf song and one more time I have been caught up in what a brilliant artist Meatloaf was. Therefore I have decided to be in a Meatloaf state of mind today and a playlist of his work is in the making.

Cold today and for the rest of eternity evidently. I am officially done with Winter and it is not even the first day of it yet.

1 comment:

  1. We're gearing up for a wintry week just before Christmas.
    Oh the joy! 😒
