Sunday, December 11, 2022

 I have been trying to think about something to write for a couple of days now. Should I expound on the insanity of American politics? No, there are others that do a much better job at that and I would only end up frustrated and angry. Should I go on about art and culture? Seems that when I do that I come off as sounding pompus and opinionated. This blog has drifted toward being more of a journal for me with occasional mental journeys down ideas that are of interest to me.

So, that shall continue. So, what do I write?

I am all moved in and unpacked. Can find nothing of course. I take Timmy out for walks and to do-his-do 4 or 5 times a day...or on demand as the case may be. I am re-reading the entire Anne Rice Mayfair Witches books before the new AMC show starts next month. I had forgot what an exceptional writer she was. A lot of people do not like the way she will take 5 pages to say what could have been said in 2 sentances. But I enjoy it and, when reading, that is all that matters.

I do like my new little corner of the world. Someone pointed out that the same place in mid-town Manhatten would cost somewhere around 4-5 thousand dollars a month and would come with at least 5 wanna-be actor roommates. And, I have it all to myself. It is like living in a residency hotel. Everything is provided in one price. And when I say everything I mean everything. I did have to draw the line at letting the maid service do my laundry. That is a bit overboard even for me.

All the other residents here are really nice and friendly except for one. We actually have an Almira Gultch (or at least her reincarnation) living here. When I am taking Timmy out if we should pass her in the hall she backs up against the wall and tells me to keep that dog away, he is viscious. Now, mind you, Timmy had never seen her before, never barked or growled at her, actually hides behind me as we walk past. Poor thing is probably upset because she missed her ride on the last tornado the hit Abilene a few years back.

Now, keep in mind that this is an Independent Living place. Not an Assisted living one, we have no nurses or health care people here and it is not like a nursing home. We live the same as we would live in a Hotel with a cafe to eat in, room service if we wish. They do have planned outtings to the theatre, movies and concerts and galleries which are nice and included in the price. And, I am the second youngest person in residence at the child like age of 74. At least 80 percent of the other residents are elderly women and sit together when eating and gossip about the male residents...especially those of us who have no married significant other to serve as a shield. So, being new and "young" I am often the topic of conversation. How long I will have to endure that I do not know but the attention is nice I have to admit.

They got my cable TV installed so with that and the LG Channels I have over a thousand channels to watch plus the streaming services I subscribe to. And, guess what, there is nothing on I want to watch.

We have two coffee bars in the building where I can indulge my coffee addiction with a selection of exotic K-Cup flavors as well as plain old strong, black, make hair grow on your chest coffee. And the coffee bars just opened up a few minutes ago (5 a.m. every day) and I need a fix.

So, be of good cheer. Have a wonderful Sunday. Stay warm if it is cold and stay cool if it is warm.


  1. I'd sit with the gossip-y ladies and ask about Miss Gulch!

  2. It is like sitting in a High School cafeteria with all the little cliques just chattering away. Sort of funny to watch.

  3. Take it slowly with the cliques; they're just diverse interest groups. There'll be a group, a clique, you will want to join - eventually - even if its just a couple of people in their seventies who like books and dogs and chatting quietly together every few days..

  4. The devil in me would make me do a 'man spread' and give the gossiping old ladies something to talk about. You could become a celebrity!
    I'm so glad you seem happy were you are. I look forward to reading about your childish escapades about the place.
