Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Today I am going to get a new pair of shoes. Seems that for some of us aging means the flattening of our feet. And, as our feet flatten they tend to spread forward. Thus, longer and requiring a new pair of shoes now and then. This time, since this has been going on for a few years, I am thinking I will probably need a size 13. Too bad I did not have these when I was younger, I could have water skied bare foot...what fun.

So, tomorrow afternoon, at 4:48 p.m. EST, the Winter Solstice will be upon us. All I can say is thank god the time will start to flow the other direction at last. Long nights are just not my thing.

And, this week, the entire country is in for a deep freeze. For us they are predicting a dip below freezing Thursday evening and staying below freezing until at least Sunday afternoon. Lord, please don't let our stupid Texas electric grid go haywire like it has for the past two winters.

For those of you even just a few miles to our North. Please stay as warm as you can. I read yesterday that way up North they are expecting it to get so cold that exposed skin can suffer frost bite within 5 minutes. OUCH!!!


  1. Yay shoes!
    I'm a shoe hoe. I love Doc Martens, especifically. And I had no idea that our shoe size increases with age! Darn.
    And yes, it's going to be a cold xmas. They are predicting all kinds of snow and freezing temperatures here in Chi. Brrr!


    1. We have a Sketchers outlet here and their prices are the same on Amazon but I can't try them on on Amazon so they will get my money. And, yes, body changes with age take all forms. Some manifest as aches and pains, some respond to the pull of gravity and feet don't really get bigger, they just spread out.

    2. Ohhh Sketchers used to be my go-to when it came to sneakers. They also have more 'dressy' shoes that are quite cool (and comfy!).
      I am getting ready for my body to change. It's started, trust me. Nothing too radical but I'm not the twink I used to be... LOL


    3. None of us are the twinks we used to be. I once had a 28 inch waist. I recently measured Timmy for a new harness and he has a 27 inch chest. I can't believe I used to be just slightly bigger around.

  2. I think I'm ready for the chill, though I'd like some snow, which I don't think we'll get.

  3. I will never be ready for extremes of either cold or heat. Perfect weather is my choice. And snow, really pretty when you can look at it through a window in a heated house. That or have someone to cuddle up with.
