Friday, April 21, 2023

 So this passed over Abilene a couple of nights ago. We had massive winds but very little rain or hail. I suspect this storm is the one that went to Oklahoma and created such havoc.

And that is just the part that would fit in the picture. The cloud was huge and much larger than even this picture shows.

I have been on the quiet side lately. Not that I did not have anything to say but I have been giving myself a sort of therapy. Trying to get my head back on from a period of meloncholy and a sort of saddness. Something happened that put me in a major blue funk and it has been harder to walk back to brightness than usual for me.

I think it was building for a while but the trigger was when a lady that lives here died. She was really old, in her 90's but the circumstances are what pushed me over the edge. She and her husband have lived here for some time and their 73rd wedding aniversary was on the 18th. But she died in her sleep on the 17th. He is still living here and seems to be functioning o.k. Much better than I did when My Robert died.

But for some reason the entire thing just sort of toppled me over an emotional edge.

I am making a mid year resoloution though. I am going to at least try to focus more on what is good and balanced in my life and in my world. So, god only knows what may end up being posted here. Just hang in there. I those immortal words "it's going to be a bumpy ride",


  1. Awww
    And she was in her nineties? Yowza. That's a lot of story. And I think it's normal for death to kind of throw us off. Every time somebody we know dies, we tend to recalibrate OUR lives. Yay for resolutions!
    And remember, this is your blog, so you can post here whatever you want. If somebody doesn't like it, well, they can leave on the same horse they rode here...


  2. Imagine! A sad story of a man becoming a widower the day before his anniversary throws you into a tailspin? Inconceivable!
