Tuesday, July 18, 2023

 A FAIRY TALE – A Story of Undetermined Length – Part The First

Greetings children. Today you spent your time doing those things that interest you, the things that bring you happiness and a sense of fulfillment. And your activities produced works that can be freely shared throughout our community. Some of you planted seeds and tended gardens. Not because you were told to or forced to but because you find great pleasure in being outdoors and seeing things grow. And, the result of your efforts produce much of the food that we share at our meals whether in the community dining halls, with your families in your homes or individually sitting on a rock in the sunshine and eating a thing that exists because of your efforts.

Many of you spent your day weaving fabrics that others assembled into clothing while even others tended shops where those items were given to others to wear as both a protection and as adornment. Yes, there are those within our community that have made the decision that clothing is not a thing in which they have an interest. And, who choose to be naked as they were made. And yet, they also take great joy in growing and producing these items for distribution in our shops even tho they themselves do not make use of them.

Others of you spent the day with your mothers and fathers and grandparents in the Great Hall discussing how we can continue to be the community that we have become. Making those suggestions that continue and improve the way that we can protect our ways and still grow and embrace the ideas and desires of all those that make up our community.

In the old days there were also many who, like us, wanted only to live together, love one another and provide for one another in these ways. Yet, in those times, they were often seen as odd or not normal. They were often cast aside, ignored and even punished for the very desires that have, over the centuries, made our kind great. Those who wanted to define and control the essence of every being, to shape us into some sort of uniform group with like ideas and like behaviors, labeled those people as weird, perverted, odd and dangerous. They wanted our world to be all the same. They wanted everyone to think alike, to all be the same color and to protect their ideas with weapons that would intimidate and even kill those who dared to not follow their narrow path.

Their leaders were those with the great wealth and those business' who sought to control the entire world of communities by offering gifts and large sums of money to the ones in what was their Great Hall who, instead of discussing together the ways they could help our communities thrive, would sit in judgment of those who were different and pass into existence things called laws and rules that all the peoples of our world had to either willingly comply with or be forced into compliance at risk sometimes to their very lives.

And, those people who, like us today, wanted only to live in a world defined by good deeds and love and compassion for one another were seen as enemies who wanted the world to be something that they called a Utopia. That is why, with everything that has happened over these past decades and even centuries, we have chosen to honor that past and call our new world, this community Utopiana. To honor those who managed to finally escape before the Great Burning.

Now the hour grows late again. So go to those that you define as your family, give them the love that we all share in common and we will continue tomorrow with what is called The End Of Times.


  1. Just where is this mythical land? You certainly do sum up these current times, I'd say you've quite nailed it.

    1. This land exist in the very core of my being. A dream that will probably not come true in my lifetime. And, a land that might be somewhere in the future of humanity. Does that sound pompous enough?

  2. Well, you do have a way with words.
    And I love these metaphors. As Maddie said, you've hit the nail in the head.

