Thursday, August 10, 2023

 Good morning to you all. I certainly hope that you weather is better than the heat we have been having here. Yesterday it hit 113 and they are saying expect 118 to 120 by Sunday. But the roller coaster of life seems to be slowing and I hope to be able to get off the damn thing soon.

I went to the manager of our little home and we spoke about about my feeling alone and lonely even with, and maybe because of, being surrounded by other residents who were very conservative and in so many ways bigoted in the "christian" love that is so obvious and judgmental that I stay away from most of them. And I asked that they focus on getting other Gay elders as residents so that I would not feel so alone and that I would have others here that I could talk with and do as so many older people do, just walk down memory lane and recall "the good old days" without fear of judgement that causes so much pain in our community.

She was very supportive and has committed to doing so to the point of offering to do presentations on Independent Living at the little Gay church I sometimes go to.

I then contacted two of the ministers there last night, spoke with them, and while they do not know many individuals that might be interested, they (and I) are going to do an entire month of sermons dealing with how the elderly in our community are not just forgotten but actually just seem to disappear after a certain age.

So some progress is being made here at The Home.

I don't recall if I told you all my iPhone did its latest upgrade and required a password to restart. It is a password that I entered months ago when I first got the damn thing and there is no way I recall it. After several attempts it required a complete reset which destroyed all my content, my photos, everything that was stored on the device and when restarted it would only be a phone. No texting, limited camera function. Enough limitations that I am trying to sell it and have returned to an Android device made by Motorola.

I was able to keep my same phone number but I, who have never been a big fan of Apple and their products, am now back to being one of their most vocal critics.

So life continues to change, for the better I hope. I would love nothing more than to be able to sit in the shade with someone recalling the good old day and maybe having someone to give a hug to at the end of the day. Not in an intimate sort of way, just a friendly non-judgmental hug between friends. And finally to not feel so alone in my life. I talk with My Robert's picture and my loving little Timmy about how I feel frequently and they continue to love me in spite of all my emotional garbage.

Have a great day today everyone.


  1. I would say that's a good story that you have going there. And it's an interesting topic and one I don't think many ever thought about. It does make you wonder how people in our community go to these establishments and feel outnumbered. I often wondered if they're are retirement homes and nursing homes just for gay people?

    1. Yes there are places like this just for Gay/Queer folk but they are so expensive that only the "A" list can afford them. For us "common" folk we have to just continue to hide in site.

  2. That first line should have read That's a good start in the right direction. Would it be wonderful to get a few gay residents in there?

    1. Even one that I could sit with and chat and remember all the great things from 50 years ago would be a blessing.

  3. I'll bet there are other queer people at your retirement residence already. You just need to find them. They are probably apprehensive about being open amongst the Loving Christians too.

    Sucks about your phone. Apple products have a reputation for being secure, but sometimes they are too secure. It's time to get a system for organizing your passwords so you can look them up! (Even a notebook in a secure place will do.)

    1. My passwords are almost a matter of public record. I just had no recall of a one time setup password from almost a year ago.

    2. oh and if there are other Queer folk here they are so frightened and deeply hidden that even that god that is supposed to be on high can not see them.

  4. Good for you!
    I cannot believe they have thought about being more inclusive there, but it's Texas, after all. Glad you've started something (and that you have an inclusive church to go to!).
    As for the iphone, didn't you keep it synced with the cloud? I can't believe they didn't tell you that when you bought it. I would have the same problem you had, but all I use is Apple and they talk to each other (and back up to the cloud). I need to do some old-fashioned password saving. Maybe my planner.
    And you know we are here for you.

    Sending virtual hugs.


    1. this is just me being really touched by your last sentence and tearing up over it. thank you so much

    2. oh and when I did the install on my new Android phone it did install all my photos and contacts and stuff from the Google Drive. I had no idea things were being backed up automatically. Yet one more thing to give Google credit for doing to protect their users data and make it available in times of need

  5. You're OK until Robert's picture and Timmy start answering back.

    Will Jay

    1. I pray everyday that one of these days they will and I can finally be at peace

  6. I'm so sorry that you suffer from such loneliness. I wish I was local so I could offer to be that friend you need. I would absolutely enjoy you regaling me with your stories of the good all days. And hugs are my favorite form of currency freely offered and freely received. The only suggestion I could make is trying to find an online community of gay seniors in your area. And if there isn't one, start one, and just start posting things until someone else comes along. I have been fortunate to be part of creating many gay groups I wanted to see, but couldn't find. A gay bowling league. A gay chorus. A gay male nudist group. If it's not out there, I make it. I know your health limitations keep you from being as active as you'd like, but the online world is rich with people just like you who are looking for that connection. I hope you were able to find a way to make those connections you desire. In the meantime, post when you can and will try to keep reading and commenting so you know you're not alone out here. As much as you can, trust a complete stranger, I sincerely care about your well-being and hate that you feel so lone. I love every generation of the gay community. We all have such rich stories and experiences to share. Please keep sharing your stories here.
