Saturday, August 5, 2023

 Good morning everyone. I have been riding that roller coaster called life and it is finely slowing down enough that I can jump off. Now I begin the process of reading all the blogs I have been reading in the past and return to posting here about what it is like being me, living my life, my loves or lack of that magical thing.

There is no excuse for my behavior and I am sorry to have been absent for such a time without at least saying hello, how are you. All that human contact sort of stuff. I did have a difficult time connecting just now. Remember that hack I had a while back where I had to rebuild my computer from the ground up? Well when I did all my Google credentials I used a different email address and it thought I wanted to create a new blog. Lord, one is enough for me to try to keep up with. Finally I realized that my profile picture on the long on screen was for the new address. I made the change and here I am in living color and on the same channel to boot.

My life is basically unchanged. I am still alone, still living with my elders, still the wonderful, available, sometimes lonely old man I was before. Except for my health.

Turns out that my heart is not pumping hard enough for my legs, feet and arms to get the amount of blood they need. Test are being done, needles are being poked and I am playing doctor with some of the most attractive doctors around. What a joy.

And, turns out I have Acute Pancreatitis which is no fun. At the end of the month I will have a EGD where they will go down my throat into my stomach, poke a hole in my stomach wall and clip off a sample of something that is growing on my pancreas that sends out signals when I eat that it is not going to cooperate. So when I eat or even drink water I have extreme pain in my left side that radiates up my back and down to my left kidney. Not fun either because when you pancreas does not help you do not fully digest your food and...TMI alert...when you poop actual food is part of the process. Not fun I tell you.

Then, I finally got to see an Endocrinologist for my Diabetes which went out of control and my blood glucose shot up to almost 800...they tell me they almost lost me but I guess the universe is just not finished tormenting me so I am still here. So now I am on insulin injections twice a day. Oh, and the Endocrinologist is the man of my dreams. And I am pretty sure he is gay. It is a good thing that he is not the one doing the next test I will tell you about. If he was I am pretty sure I would embarrass myself in front of a procedure suite full of nurses and doctors and assorted support employees.  

So what is that procedure. Well there is this thing that old men sometimes have where our Prostate (yes that little lump right inside your ass that contributes greatly to the pleasure that many of us have experienced during sex) anyway, where your Prostate grows excess tissue inside itself causing it to swell, especially at night, and choaks off the urethra making it difficult for your bladder to do its job and causing many hours of interrupted sleep. It is called BPH. So, they will be putting a camera with cutting capabilities inside Mr. Wiggly all the way into the prostate, take pictures and cut samples to test and make sure Mr. Cancer is not doing his dirty work. If all those test show that my prostate is o.k. and just a normal prostate exceeding its functions they will do the same process over again 9 times putting water that turns into hot steam melting out parts of the swollen tissue with the hopes that after Mr. Wiggly has such a good and kinky time, will function like I was when I was 30 years old. The procedure is called Rezume, look it up and just imagine what fun it is going to be for me. Oh, and the Urologist who is going to do this procedure is an adorable ginger hottie who is married with 4 children but that does not mean that Mr. Wiggly will not rise to the occasion and salute him.

So, in a nutshell, that is at least part of what has caused my absence here. That and several broken hearts when I have had to cut the strings tying me to a few absolutely beautiful and well hung South American online sex workers. Boy am I a sick person or what. Or am I just so lonely that I will fall in love with any man that smiles at me on the street. Let me tell you that virtual love, virtual sex, and virtual relationships are not all they are cracked up to be. And they tend to leave you empty and in debt. Yes I not only sent them stimulating tips online but actually used PayPal to send money.

The lesson here is to not be alone when you are old. You can become your own worst enemy.

Now, farewell for now. But I am back and will, of course keep you informed of my progress through the above and the future trials and tribulations of the old man that lives up the road


  1. Good to see your post, although I'd certainly request a better social secretary to fill out your dance card. I wouldn't worry about Mr. Wiggly and the ginger urologist. It only shows healthy function of the Original Manufacturer's Equipment. If anything, the urologist should add a note to the chart indicating healthy function so that the cardiologist understands how the overall systems currently work and (hopefully) doesn't prescribe something or start down a clinical path that reduces this function.

    Be well,

    Will Jay

    1. He can prescribe all he wants at this point in time I can afford nothing more than what I currently get.

  2. Blood sugar of 800?? Sweet baby Jesus. You really have been on a health roller-coaster.

    I hope the South Americans did not put you into too much debt. Maddie can tell you how enticing they can be.

    1. Maddie and I share a common interest in South American men. They are beautiful in their youth and either distinguished or not as old men. As for debt, I was a stupid old man who got catfished so badly that I will not see any black ink on my budget until early next year. At least everything is covered here at the home.

  3. Whoa.
    That was a lot. So the whole hacking thing was not enough drama and now it's the sugar and the prostate and the pancreas. You do keep us enthralled, dear.
    Glad the whole prostate thing is gonna be a thing of the past. Pesky little nugget. How fun it is, no?
    And as for those boys, I bet they'll miss you, but hey. I'm sure their attentions will be quickly requested. Handsome men are in no shortage of eyes to ogle them.
    Glad you're back!

